VidUKon 2025 is taking place in Bristol and online from to . Below are frequently asked questions about the con and our COVID-19 policy.


About the Con

What is VidUKon?

VidUKon is a fan-run vidding convention based both physically in Bristol, UK, and virtually. It's a weekend for vid watchers and vidders to gather together, in person and online, and watch vids, talk about vids, and have fun.

The physical portion of the con takes place in the Future Inn hotel, Bristol, where we have two large rooms set aside for watching vids together and other activities.

The online portion of the con is based on the VidUKon website (the new one is in development), and also uses a Discord server so that attendees can talk to each other, and video conferencing software for things like panels and workshops.

What is vidding, and what is a vid?

A vid is a fan-made music video that takes visuals from one source and audio from another and puts them together in a new way. You might also see them called fanvids, edits, tributes, fancams, MVs, etc. Vidding is the art of making these videos.

Do I need to have made vids to attend the convention?

Not at all! Most of the programming is accessible to anyone who enjoys watching vids. The most common programme items are vidshows - that is, curated playlists of vids. Depending on the year, there may also be panels or roundtables that explore vids from a viewer's perspective.

The occasional programme item might be more technical and geared to vidders in particular, but non-vidders are welcome to attend and listen in if they're curious, or spend those timeslots relaxing elsewhere.

There are also lots of opportunities to socialise with other fans between programme items.

Be warned though, plenty of people come to the con as non-vidders and come back next year having made their first vid! VidUKon is a great way to learn more about vidding in a low-pressure way, if it's something you think you might be interested to try.

What happens at VidUKon?

A ton of things! The con begins on Friday afternoon. On Friday evening we break the ice with a quiz, followed by a couple of vidshows. For the rest of the weekend, programming is a mix of vidshows, discussion, talks, workshops and social time.

There’s only one stream of programming, so attendees can attend every programme item if they choose to (and if they have the stamina!).

What are vidshows like?

Each vidshow is a playlist (usually about 45-60 minutes long) of vids on a particular theme. If you're in Bristol, you can watch the vidshow together with the other Bristol Attendees in the designated space at the hotel (usually a cinema-style set-up with a big projector). All registered attendees (Bristol or Virtual) can also watch each vidshow through the website.

What vids are shown?

All fannish vids are fair game – in all genres and styles. Which means that some panels and shows may not be suitable for people under 18.

We prefer to have the vidders' permission to show vids, but the transitory nature of the internet means that can be difficult sometimes. If we are contacted by a vidder and asked not to show a vid, we will not show it.

Vid Shows and Uploading Vids

What is a premiere?

A premiere is a vid that hasn't been shown in any previous convention or event and has not been released online prior the con. It will be shown for the first time ever at the Premieres show on Saturday night at the con, and will also be included on the Premieres physical media that some attendees receive after the con. Anyone is welcome to submit a premiere as long as you are registered as either a Virtual or a Bristol attendee. Vids can be any fandom, theme, or style, and there is no minimum level of experience required.

What is Vidder's Choice?

Vidder's Choice is a show where con attendees can choose an existing vid from their back catalogue to be shown. This can be absolutely any vid as long as it won't be showing for the first time at VidUKon. You might want to submit a crowd-pleasing favourite, or highlight a deep cut that you wish got more love!

What is the themed submission vidshow?

The themed submission vidshow is a show with a specific theme that changes each year, for which con attendees can submit a premiere or a vid from their back catalogue. The theme for 2025 is Gratuitous Picture of Yourself

What is the deadline to submit a vid?

The deadline for all submitted vids (premieres, themed premieres, and vidder’s choice) as well as premieres in curated vidshows is April 6.

Should I inform you about the premiere I'm doing?

No, you don't have to. We might poll about it just to get a rough idea of how many vids we'll have and to check if we can fit them all in, but you don't have to inform us, just submit your vid on time for it to be included in the show.

If I'm submitting a vid, how do I get it to you and what format should it be in?

Video submissions are not open yet. Once they are, we will post more information here and on Dreamwidth and Tumblr.


What is your Refund Policy?

We offer full refunds until the close of registration of your tier (please note that some tiers close earlier than others). After that date, all refunds are discretionary. We do not want to be jerks about this, so please do contact us, and we may be able to assist, however, after the close of registration, our financial commitments are firm and we have bills to pay. As a non-profit voluntary association with very little surplus cash, we may not have the luxury of refunding tickets at that late stage.

What is your Accessibility Policy?

Vidukon is committed to making the con environment an accessible and enjoyable place for all attendees. If you have specific access needs that you'd like to discuss with us, please contact us at, and we'll do our best to help.

For in-person attendees, the con rooms are on the top floor with step-free access from lifts.

The con programme has regular breaks scheduled into the main programming.

We are going to be asking VJs, panelists, and vidders submitting premieres to include content information about their vids. We ask to warn for the following:

Animal Harm; Auditory Triggers; Blackface/Brownface/Redface; Blood/Gore [significant amounts]; Depictions of Colonialism/Imperialism; Depictions of Police; Holocaust and/or Nazi Imagery; Fast cuts (more frequent than about 8 frames); Flashing/Flickering lights; Incest; Queerphobia; Racism; Physical Triggers [in addition to fast cuts or flashing lights], Self-harm; Sexual violence; Suicide; Transphobia.

We ask to warn for depictions of things even if the vid is critical of them, e.g. a vid that is critical of racism and includes depictions of racist violence will be expected to warn for racism.

If any attendee would like further detail about the content of vids being shown at the con (eg you have a specific trigger that is not included in that standardised list), please get in touch with the ConCom and we'll do our best to help. Anonymous queries welcome. The more notice we have the more thorough we can be in getting content information for you, so ideally email us at least a couple of weeks before the con, but if we get less notice than that we'll do our best to accommodate you.

The content information we collate will be available in the Conbook and on the website for ease of reference of attendees.

COVID-19 Guidelines


In-person VidUKon will require all in-person attendees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 without exception. Proof of vaccination will be required upon arrival. To avoid disappointment, please make very sure to bring your vaccination documents with you to Bristol! We accept photographed documents, so a picture on your phone will suffice. For more information on accepted forms of proof, see below.

Note for regular in-person attendees: please bring your vaccination documents even if you provided them at the 2023 or 2024 event. We're a small crowd and we do remember you, but in the name of fairness, transparency, and security, we ask all in-person attendees to provide vaccination proof regardless of previous attendance record. If this creates any difficulties for you, please don't hesitate to get in touch at

Which vaccines are acceptable?

Any vaccine authorized in the country in which the vaccine was received, including authorization for emergency use, for human use as a COVID vaccine is acceptable. The World Health Organization maintains information on the status of vaccine trials and approvals.

I was a participant in a vaccine trial; is this acceptable?

Please contact us directly at so we can evaluate your situation on a case-by-case basis.

What does ”fully vaccinated” mean?

“Fully vaccinated” means you must have received all required COVID-19 vaccination doses no later than 14 days prior to the day you arrive at VidUKon to allow them to reach full efficacy before arrival. For people arriving on 30 May that would be no later than 16 May. The date of vaccination will be confirmed as part of the registration check. Boosters are not required, but strongly encouraged if you're eligible.

What forms of proof of vaccination are accepted?

We will accept original vaccination cards, digital or physical photographs or photocopies of vaccination cards (front and back, all details readable), or electronic documentation provided by your country of origin, including print-outs of such documentation. This documentation should be provided in person at the registration desk on site. It needs to contain information about the date of vaccination and the type of vaccine, and needs to be identifiable as belonging to you (i.e. be in your name).

If your documentation is not in English or if you are worried about any other issues regarding the acceptability of your documentation, please contact us at to discuss details.

What if the name on my ID and the name on my vaccination card don’t match?

We will accommodate this on a case-by-case basis; please contact us at

I can’t be vaccinated for a medical reason. What should I do?

At this time, VidUKon requires all in-person members to be vaccinated without exception. If you cannot be vaccinated, please consider attending virtually, which does not require you to be vaccinated or show proof of vaccination.

I'm vaccinated, but my child/friend/partner/family member that I'm bringing along isn't. What should I do?

If you are planning to bring along friends or family to enter con spaces, please make sure to provide proof of vaccination for all people present, including children. Children who are too young to be vaccinated against COVID-19 will unfortunately not be allowed to enter con spaces at the 2025 event. They may enter the hotel lobby or other spaces in the Future Inn that are not con spaces, though.


If you attend VidUKon in person, you are required to test yourself once a day before you enter con spaces, using a rapid test. VidUKon 2025 encourages in-person attendees to bring their own rapid tests if possible. The con will also provide rapid tests on site.

Please also test before beginning your journey to Bristol. If PCR tests are easy and affordable to come by where you live, we encourage you to get a PCR test done before you travel. If you cannot easily get a PCR test, a rapid test will suffice.

If you have any questions or doubts about the testing requirements, please contact us at

Can I get rapid tests for free?

Not anymore :(

Do I need to provide proof of my daily rapid test result?

No, we may give reminders about testing but we will be trusting everyone to test appropriately over the weekend.

What do I do if my rapid test result is positive?

If your rapid test shows a positive result, you will unfortunately be unable to continue participating in VidUKon 2025 in person. You are encouraged to switch to virtual participation. Possibility of refunds in a case like this will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

What should I do if I'm having symptoms?

If you experience symptoms that might be a sign of a COVID-19 infection, please test yourself using a rapid test. If the test result is positive, you will unfortunately be unable to continue participating in VidUKon 2025 in person (see above). If the test result is negative, please use your best judgment to decide whether or not to continue participating in person, keeping in mind that depending on viral load, rapid tests may not be 100% accurate. You always have the option to switch to virtual participation, and also switch back whenever you feel safe participating in person again. Possibility of refunds will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Do I need a PCR test to attend the con in person?

No, a rapid test is sufficient. However, if you can easily get a PCR test done, we encourage you to take one before you travel to Cardiff.


VidUKon 2025 continues to require all in-person attendees to be wearing a mask in con spaces at all times, except while actively eating or drinking.

What counts as a mask?

A mask should completely cover your nose and mouth with material that can effectively filter droplets and aerosolized particles. It should fit snugly against the sides of your face without gaps. Nose wires are recommended to improve fit, and multiple layers are generally more effective. Face shields are not an acceptable alternative to masks, although they can be worn in addition to masks if you desire.

I can’t wear a mask for a medical reason. What should I do?

We generally accommodate medical exemptions to masks but would like to evaluate on a case-by-case basis, so please contact us at

What counts as a con space?

A con space is any area reserved for con attendees, such as the conference rooms reserved for VidUKon. The hotel lobby is not a con space, neither is the hotel restaurant.

What are the rules in spaces that are not con spaces?

There are no specific masking rules in place anymore in spaces that are not con spaces. We encourage you to use your best judgment regarding masking in those spaces.

Are there going to be designated areas for eating and drinking or is it allowed anywhere?

At this time, VidUKon is not planning to set up designated areas for eating and drinking. We ask attendees to try to keep their masks on at all times and be courteous and considerate regarding the exception for eating and drinking.

Local Regulations and Travel

The above-described guidelines reflect the level of safety VidUKon will aim to provide for in-person attendees. Select guidelines may change or additional ones may be added as the con approaches. In the unlikely case of significant changes, you will hear about them in the regular pre-con communications we send out.

If you are attending the con from abroad, please make sure to check all applicable regulations for your travel route.

Guidelines adapted from Discon III